Friday, September 19, 2008

Wildcat and Workout

Tomorrow's Wildcat Invite includes Irondequoit, Spencerport, Hilton, Sutherland, Athena and Victor. It should give us a decent idea of where we stand against the middle tier of Monroe County teams, in invitational scoring (some top teams will also be there: Brighton, Mendon, Thomas, Rush-Henrietta). It also gives us a chance to avenge a couple of our dual meet losses.

Yesterday's workout went pretty well. I've compared the times to the similar workout last year, and the results are encouraging. With a few exceptions, the improvements were notable. Leading the way was Adrian, who improved his average time by 50 seconds per interval. Other big improvements came from Afro Thunder (30 seconds), Arik (17), Wade (11) and Trevor (10). 10 seconds per interval is better than a minute in a 5K, so we should continue to see great race improvements from these guys. Khristyna showed the big improvement on the girls side - 12 seconds per interval.

A few more workouts like that, with even better participation, and we will be ready to shine at Counties!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alex won't be there tomorrow..along with JP