Monday, April 23, 2012

Back From Easter Vacation?

OK, I've been quite remiss in posting and keeping folks up to date on the WDR action.  So, I will try to get caught up over the next few days.  Where to start?  Well, I guess let's first look ahead, since we have a busy week in front of us.  The schedule includes:

Wed, 4/25 - 4:30pm Dual Meet vs. Canandaigua @ Thomas
Fri, 4/27 - 4:30pm JV Meet @ Gates-Chili - not sure which other schools will be there
Sat, 4/28 - 10:00am His & Her Invitational @ Penfield

The His & Her meet is limited to two entries per event - everyone else will be competing in the JV meet on Friday.  I think we will be short-handed on Saturday because several musicians will be off on a trip.  This may allow some promotions to Varsity for the day.

The other thing to keep an eye on this week is the weather.  After a nasty day for the Webster Invite on Saturday (more on that meet later), we woke up to snow this morning.  We'll have to play it by ear for practice today, then hope for some improvement by Wednesday!

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