Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is There An App For That?

Sorry about the quiet period, but with the delayed start to the season, I have been spending all of my spare time working on a Track Assistant app for the BlackBerry. The vision that I have is an app that allows me to track times and splits during practices and meets, as well as keeping score of the meet, as the various field event results are reported.

Release 0.1 is almost ready. It will at least have a stopwatch feature that will allow me to time intervals at practice and record the results (by athlete) in a file.

It is not especially pretty, but it should get the job done. During the winter, I developed a Hoop Stats app, that allowed me to track basketball stats for Luke's team. I am also working on an app that is much more complex, to serve as a baseball scorebook and record hitting, fielding and pitching stats. I hope to have that ready for Luke's opening day in May.

Speaking of opening days, I have not yet heard of a make-up date for our postponed opener against Penfield. Next week is the only week where it would not be a third meet in the week for us, but the question is, will it warm up enough by then to dry out the shot / discus fields? It's nice having access to the all-weather track at Thomas, but at this time of year, we need an all-weather field to go with it!

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