Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Colds and Flu

We've had a number of sick folks lately, which is not unusual at this time of year. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I do have some observations and suggestions.

First, help your body fight off illness. One easy way to help is to be sure to get enough sleep. A well-rested body is better able to combat intruders. Second, I've seen studies that have shown both benefits and lack thereof of Vitamin C in cold prevention, but there is nothing wrong with a glass of orange juice, just in case.

Finally, if you are feeling ill, do what your doctor orders. If it isn't bad enough to see a doctor, then a reasonable rule of thumb is avoid running with a fever, but feel free if you just have cold symptoms (as long as they are not too severe) - just don't overdo it - as running produces adrenaline, which is a natural anti-histamine. And increase your fluid intake.

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