Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Birthday!

I have been blessed to be able to coach these past eight years.  It has been such a rewarding experience seeing each batch of ninth grade children grow into fine young adults by their senior year (and improve their running along the way).  Many things have had to come together to make this happen, but one person is most responsible for the opportunity that I've had, and that is my wonderful wife, Christine.

In order to get out of work early for practice, I've had to depart for work early, leaving Chris to battle the four children (well, only two now) as they drag their feet in getting out the door for school in the morning.  Being away from home for practices, late Tuesday meets and all-day invitationals on Saturdays leaves Chris scrambling to do so much alone: shuttling kids to their other sports and activities, mowing the lawn and taking care of all of the other things that keep our head above water on the home front.

So, September 13th, even this year, falling on a Friday, has been a lucky day for me as it is the anniversary of Chris coming into the world a "few" years ago, and I've decided it is a good day to say (well, write) what I'm always thinking:  Thank You, Dear!

Happy Birthday, Chris!

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