Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nate Sightings

Nate has shown up, both in results and in photos.

He was at a training camp this past week, and it included 5 days of competition in the evenings, after training in the mornings. The results (of the first 4 days, so far) are available here. The site is in Swedish, so it can be tricky to find the results, but look under Tyr-Nyheter (Tyr News?) and there will be links to the various Etapp (day) results. You might have to click Las mer (more?) and another link to get to the Tyrarrangemang page, which has the results.

His photo has shown up on the Junior Sweden trip blog, so we know he is still in one piece (as of a couple of days ago).

So, Nate is training hard. Are you?

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