Thursday, August 23, 2012


As we get going into the season, it becomes very important to train at the proper pace each day.  To help us decide the proper pace, Jack Daniels has done a great deal of research on the current fitness levels of athletes and how that translates into ideal training paces.  Here are a couple of links to tables that help you find those paces.

First we have a table that allows you to take a recent race performance and translate it to your current "VDOT" number.  For example, if you have run a 5:44 mile, you would look down the Mile column and find 5:44 (highlighted), then look across to the VDOT column and discover that the VDOT is 51.

Sometimes your performance won't hit a number in the table exactly, then you'll have to use your interpolation skills!

Next we have a table that allows you to determine training paces based on your current VDOT.  For example, if your VDOT is 51, you would look at that row (which is highlighted) and learn that your training paces include:

  • E/:L pace = 8:07 per mile, for Long and Recovery runs
  • T pace = 6:44 per mile, for Tempo Runs and Cruise Intervals
  • I pace = 3:51 per 1000m (so, 3:04 for 800m intervals)
  • R pace = 86 per 400m

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