Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Man, you go away on vacation for a week and it means that you have to work extra hard the week before and the week after, just to avoid falling way behind. On top of that, you come back to work and have to deliver a release in two weeks, on a newly assigned project. No wonder I haven't had time to breathe, let alone post here!

Well, anyway, XC Camp got underway last week, with two productive sessions. It looks like there were a lot of vacations going on, as more than one-third of the registered campers were no-shows. That was the bad news. The good news is that attendance at the Captain's practices has been extraordinary! Mondays at Ellison Wetlands seems to be the run that everyone loves to hate: bugs and hills. Wednesdays have been at North Ponds (does the world get much flatter than that area?), while Saturdays have been the longer runs in good old Webster Park.

Five more weeks of camp will take us right to the start of the season, when things will really happen quickly.

Oh - and one reminder: tomorrow night is the next edition of the Dirt Cheap Trail Series, this one at Mendon Ponds Park. The past two years this has been conducted via an "interval start", 5 seconds apart, as the course starts off down the stairs into the Devil's Bathtub. It is rumored that Nate Lyons, just back from Poland and Finland, will be making an appearance.

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