Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Weekend Results

So, a number of Webster Distance Runners were spotted in a variety of races over the holiday weekend.

The big travelers were the three team members that finished their Cross Country season down at storied Van Cortlandt Park. The Sophomore race included Geoff Kelly, 141st place in 20:41 and Eric Krawiec, 166th in 22:05. And our lone Junior race participant was Trevor McKeown, 177th place in 21:39.

Others made their way to the oldest annual footrace in America, the 113th annual Buffalo Turkey Trot. Coach Lyons finished the race for the 18th straight year, while Zach Lyons made his first appearance. Some results of interest included:
25. Dan Field 27:02 (Nate's uncle)
101. Nate Lyons 30:19
246. Tim Lyons 32:35 (Nate's uncle)
348. Mike Lyons 33:54
699. Patricia Lyons 37:08 (Nate's grandma)
1049. Chelsea Lyons 39:15
1387. Brigid Maloney 41:10 (Nate's aunt)
1456. Zach Lyons 41:27
1990. Brenna Lyons 43:25 (Nate's cousin)
2044. Walt Lyons 43:37 (Nate's grandpa)
2113. Morgan Clapp 43:54 (Nate's cousin)

The Lyons family managed to win the family competition, with the top 4 runners averaging 31:01 to 32:17 for the second place team and 32:42 for the arch-rival O'Connor family. The Lyons B team managed 12th place among the 69 family teams.

Of course, the highlight of the day was another one of Nate's aunts and cousins that set out to walk the course. They started a little bit early, and began to wonder why the runners didn't catch them. But they were so focused on beating the walker that was up ahead of them that they didn't wonder too hard. The first 4.5 miles of the course are down Delaware Ave; unfortunately, they were headed up Delaware. Eventually they came to their senses and returned to the start, which is 4.5 miles from the finish, so they had to be retrieved.

The largest Webster Distance Runner participation came at the local Webster Turkey Trot, which is run from our home training grounds at Webster Park. The results list was very long, so I probably missed some participants, but here is who I did find:

4.4 Mile Race
32. Chris Mauro 25:12
40. Kenny Miller 26:02
76. Mark Streb 27:27 (friend of Claire)
77. Robert McMahon 27:27

166. Trevor McKeown 30:34
168. Alex Brett 30:35
172. Josh Prahler 30:37
173. Elliot Alexander 30:38
196. Cathy Brust 31:23 (First in F45-49!)
199. Patrick Doherty 31:30
557. Erin Albert 36:50
582. Sarah Miller 37:04
740. Mike Wiegand 39:29
930. Bruce Alexander 43:40
1043. Kim Sbarra 49:39

Some of Chelsea's former basketball teammates also ran:
725. Haley Lindahl 39:10
755. Chelsea Lindahl 39:44
885. Allison Ewing 42:22

And the 2.5 mile results included the following:
12. Donovan Glavin 17:10 (age 9!)
26. John Wiseman 18:17
43. Kate Brett 19:25
46. Casey Neels 19:28
176. Larry Simpson 23:36 (Nate's hockey manager)
206. Zach Simpson 24:11
462. Sue Brett 33:54

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you let a 9 year old beat you?